Directory statcvs/tests-src/net/sf/statcvs/

Directory Created:
2003-02-04 06:58
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

Browse with ViewVC


                        directory in repo input (28 files, 1867 lines)

                        directory in repo model (7 files, 988 lines)

                        directory in repo output (2 files, 336 lines)

                        directory in repo pages (2 files, 96 lines)

                        directory in repo renderer (2 files, 240 lines)

                        directory in repo reportmodel (2 files, 218 lines)

                        directory in repo util (6 files, 846 lines)

Lines of Code

statcvs/tests-src/net/sf/statcvs/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 9 (100.0%) 106 (100.0%) 11.7
Lukasz Pekacki 2 (22.2%) 76 (71.7%) 38.0
Benoit Xhenseval 1 (11.1%) 26 (24.5%) 26.0
Richard Cyganiak 6 (66.7%) 4 (3.8%) 0.6

Most Recent Commits

Benoit Xhenseval 2008-04-02 12:22 Rev.: 1.9

Done an Eclipse cleanUp in order to reduce number of warnings by FindBugs / Checkstyle / PMD tools.

Sorry if it is looking like a massive change...

26 lines of code changed in 1 file:

Richard Cyganiak 2006-12-09 12:37 Rev.: 1.8


- OutputUtils.escapeHTML => HTML.escape

- OutputUtils => ChartUtils

- StatConstants.* => HTML.*

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

Richard Cyganiak 2004-10-03 12:43 Rev.: 1.7

Removed the XMLTableRenderer, wasn't used anyway

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

Richard Cyganiak 2003-06-22 20:24 Rev.: 1.6

added XMLTableRenderer; new dependancy on jdom.jar (not yet added to the developer lib download)

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

Richard Cyganiak 2003-06-05 11:51 Rev.: 1.5

refactoring of the time series charts

- new TimeSeries class in the reportmodel package

- TimeSeriesChart renders a time series to a PNG image

- FileCountTimeSeriesReport creates a TimeSeries for file count

- AvgFileSizeTimeSeriesReport creates a TimeSeries for average file size

- removed FileCountIterator and FCChart

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

Richard Cyganiak 2003-04-18 00:25 Rev.: 1.4

Started to implement [ 634897 ] links to cvsweb

- first added ViewCVS support, CVSweb will come later

- new command line switch "-viewcvs <url>"

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

Richard Cyganiak 2003-04-13 18:41 Rev.: 1.3

made checkstyle happy

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

Lukasz Pekacki 2003-03-18 10:33 Rev.: 1.2

License changed to LGPL

13 lines of code changed in 1 file:

Lukasz Pekacki 2003-02-04 06:58 Rev.: 1.1

Move all test classes out of their directories into the

new test dircetory test-src

63 lines of code changed in 1 file:

Generated by StatCVS 0.7.0