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2009-04-01, StatCVS is alive! No joke! Appendium Ltd is pleased to announce version 0.5.0, available right now! More info here and the download here .
StatCVS retrieves information from a Subversion repository and generates various tables and charts describing the project development, e.g.
First, download StatCVS.
Check out a working copy of your project from CVS. You need the CVS command line client (CVS for Unix or CVSNT for Windows). Typically, the command looks like this:
cvs -d /cvsroot checkout modulename
Create a CVS log file:
cvs log > logfile.log
Run StatCVS:
java -jar /path/to/statcvs.jar /path/to/module/logfile.log /path/to/module
This command creates the HTML reports in the current directory.
More details are available from the Manual . It also has all the options for customizing the reports. If you run into problems, consider asking for help on the statcvs-users Mailing list .
Note: StatCVS can only generate reports for the main branch.
The StatCVS project was initiated by Lukasz Pekacki . The current maintainers are Benoit Xhenseval and Jason Kealey. Other members of the development team are Anja Jentzsch , Manuel Schulze , Steffen Pingel and Tammo van Lessen . 2002 photo of the original development team