Packages that use ReportConfig | |
net.sf.statcvs.charts | |
net.sf.statcvs.output | |
net.sf.statcvs.pages | |
net.sf.statcvs.pages.xml | |
net.sf.statcvs.reports |
Uses of ReportConfig in net.sf.statcvs.charts |
Constructors in net.sf.statcvs.charts with parameters of type ReportConfig | |
TimeLineChartMaker(java.lang.String chartName,
ReportConfig config,
TimeLine timeLine,
java.lang.String fileName,
java.util.Collection symbolicNames)
Creates a chart from a time line. |
TimeBarChartMaker(java.lang.String chartName,
ReportConfig config,
java.util.SortedSet revisions,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String fileName,
java.lang.String[] barLabels)
Creates a new BarChartMaker. |
TimeBarChartMaker.HourBarChartMaker(java.lang.String chartName,
ReportConfig config,
java.util.SortedSet revisions,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String fileName)
Creates a bar chart showing a distribution of revisions over the hours of the day. |
TimeBarChartMaker.WeekdayBarChartMaker(java.lang.String chartName,
ReportConfig config,
java.util.SortedSet revisions,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String fileName)
Creates a bar chart showing a distribution of revisions over the days of the week. |
ModuleSizePieChartMaker(java.lang.String chartName,
ReportConfig config,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String subTitle,
java.lang.String fileName)
Creates a new PieChartMaker |
ModuleEvolutionChartMaker(java.lang.String chartName,
ReportConfig config,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String fileName)
Creates a new PieChartMaker |
ModifyAddChartMaker(ReportConfig config,
int width)
Creates a new ModifyAddChartMaker |
LOCChartMaker(java.lang.String chartName,
ReportConfig config,
org.jfree.data.time.TimeSeries locSeries,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String fileName,
java.awt.Dimension size,
java.util.List annotations)
Creates a Lines Of Code chart from a BasicTimeSeries and saves it as PNG |
LOCChartMaker(java.lang.String chartName,
ReportConfig config,
java.util.List locSeriesList,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String fileName,
java.awt.Dimension size,
java.util.List annotations)
Creates a Lines Of Code chart from a list of BasicTimesSeries and saves it as PNG |
LOCChartMaker.MainLOCChartMaker(java.lang.String chartName,
ReportConfig config,
java.lang.String fileName,
java.awt.Dimension size)
LOCChartMaker.DirectoryLOCChartMaker(ReportConfig config,
Directory directory)
LOCChartMaker.AllDevelopersLOCChartMaker(ReportConfig config,
java.awt.Dimension size)
LOCChartMaker.AllDirectoriesLOCChartMaker(ReportConfig config,
int showMaxDirectories)
LOCChartMaker.AllModulesLOCChartMaker(ReportConfig config,
int showMaxModules)
DirectoryPieChartMaker(java.lang.String chartName,
ReportConfig config,
java.util.SortedSet directories,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String fileName)
Creates a new PieChartMaker |
DirectoryPieChartMaker.DirectorySizesChartMaker(ReportConfig config)
DirectoryPieChartMaker.CodeDistributionChartMaker(ReportConfig config,
Author author)
CommitScatterChartMaker(ReportConfig config,
int width)
Creates a new CommitScatterChartMaker. |
Uses of ReportConfig in net.sf.statcvs.output |
Constructors in net.sf.statcvs.output with parameters of type ReportConfig | |
RepoMapPageMaker(ReportConfig config)
LOCChurnChartMaker(java.lang.String chartName,
ReportConfig config,
org.jfree.data.time.TimeSeries churnSeries,
org.jfree.data.time.TimeSeries locSeries,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String fileName,
java.util.List annotations)
Creates a Lines Of Code chart from a BasicTimeSeries and saves it as PNG |
ChurnPageMaker(ReportConfig config)
Uses of ReportConfig in net.sf.statcvs.pages |
Methods in net.sf.statcvs.pages with parameters of type ReportConfig | |
static java.lang.String |
TwitterHelp.buildOverviewLink(TopDevelopersTableReport topDevelopers,
Repository repository,
ReportConfig config)
static java.lang.String |
TwitterHelp.buildDeveloperLink(Author developer,
java.lang.String loc,
Repository repository,
ReportConfig config)
static java.lang.String |
TwitterHelp.buildDeveloperOfMonthLink(Author developer,
int loc,
Repository repository,
java.lang.String month_year,
ReportConfig config)
Constructors in net.sf.statcvs.pages with parameters of type ReportConfig | |
ReportSuiteMaker(ReportConfig config,
java.lang.String notesHTML)
ReportSuiteMaker(ReportConfig config,
java.lang.String notesHTML,
java.util.List additionalPages)
Page(ReportConfig config,
java.lang.String fileName,
java.lang.String shortTitle,
java.lang.String fullTitle)
Creates a new page. |
ModulesPageMaker(ReportConfig config)
LOCPageMaker(ReportConfig config)
IndexPageMaker(ReportConfig config,
java.lang.String notesHTML,
PageGroup reports)
Creates a new report index page. |
FileSizesPageMaker(ReportConfig config)
DirectorySizesPageMaker(ReportConfig config)
DirectoryPageMaker(ReportConfig config,
Directory directory)
DeveloperPageMaker(ReportConfig config,
Author developer)
CommitLogPageMaker(ReportConfig config,
int year,
int month,
java.util.Collection commits,
boolean firstLogPage)
Creates a new LogPageMaker. |
CommitLogPageGroupMaker(ReportConfig config)
CommitListFormatter(ReportConfig config,
java.util.List commits,
java.util.List tags,
boolean withPermalinks)
Creates a new instance for the list of commits. |
CommitListFormatter(ReportConfig config,
java.util.List commit,
java.util.List tags,
int max,
boolean withPermalinks)
Creates a new instance for the list of commits. |
CloudCommitPageMaker(ReportConfig config)
AllDevelopersPageMaker(ReportConfig config)
Uses of ReportConfig in net.sf.statcvs.pages.xml |
Constructors in net.sf.statcvs.pages.xml with parameters of type ReportConfig | |
RevisedFilesXml(ReportConfig config)
Creates a new LogPageMaker. |
LogXmlMaker(ReportConfig config,
java.util.Collection commits)
Creates a new LogPageMaker. |
LogXml(ReportConfig config)
GenerateXml(ReportConfig config)
FilesXml(ReportConfig config)
DirectoriesXml(ReportConfig config)
AllDevelopersXml(ReportConfig config)
Uses of ReportConfig in net.sf.statcvs.reports |
Constructors in net.sf.statcvs.reports with parameters of type ReportConfig | |
TopDevelopersTableReport(ReportConfig config)
Creates a table report containing the top 10 authors and their LOC contributions |
TagReport(ReportConfig config)
LargestFilesTableReport(ReportConfig config,
java.util.SortedSet files,
int maxRows)
Creates a table containing the largest files from a file list |
FileTypeReport(ReportConfig config)
FilesWithMostRevisionsTableReport(ReportConfig config,
java.util.SortedSet files,
int maxRows)
Creates a table containing the files with most changes from a file list |
DirectoriesForAuthorTableReport(ReportConfig config,
Author author)
Creates a table report containing directories to which a specified author has committed changes, and their respective number of changes and LOC. |
DevelopersTableReport(ReportConfig config)
Creates a table report containing all authors, their number of changes and LOC contributions. |
DevelopersRollingTableReport(ReportConfig config)
Creates a table report containing all authors, their number of changes and LOC contributions. |
DevelopersOfTheMonthTable(ReportConfig config)
Creates a table report containing all authors, their number of changes and LOC contributions. |
CloudCommitTableReport(ReportConfig config)
Creates a table report containing the top 10 authors and their LOC contributions |
AuthorsForDirectoryTableReport(ReportConfig config,
Directory directory)
Creates a table report containing authors who have committed changes to a specified directory, their number of changes and LOC contributions. |
AbstractRollingLocTableReport(ReportConfig config)
Constructor |
AbstractLocTableReport(ReportConfig config)
Constructor |