Class FileBuilder

  extended by net.sf.statcvs.input.FileBuilder

public class FileBuilder
extends java.lang.Object

Builds a VersionedFile with Revisions from logging data. This class is responsible for deciding if a file or revisions will be included in the report, for translating from CVS logfile data structures to the data structures in the net.sf.statcvs.model package, and for calculating the LOC history for the file.

A main goal of this class is to delay the creation of the VersionedFile object until all revisions of the file have been collected from the log. We could simply create VersionedFile and Revisions on the fly as we parse through the log, but this creates a problem if we decide not to include the file after reading several revisions. The creation of a VersionedFile or Revision can cause many more objects to be created (Author, Directory, Commit), and it would be very hard to get rid of them if we don't want the file. This problem is solved by first collecting all information about one file in this class, and then, with all information present, deciding if we want to create the model instances or not.

$Id:,v 1.18 2008/04/02 11:22:14 benoitx Exp $
Richard Cyganiak , Tammo van Lessen

Constructor Summary
FileBuilder(Builder builder, java.lang.String name, boolean isBinary, java.util.Map revBySymnames)
          Creates a new FileBuilder.
Method Summary
 void addRevisionData(RevisionData data)
          Adds a revision to the file.
 VersionedFile createFile(java.util.Date beginOfLogDate)
          Creates and returns a VersionedFile representation of the file.
 boolean hasLocalCVSMetadata()
 boolean hasLocalFileNotFound()
 boolean hasUnexpectedLocalRevision()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FileBuilder(Builder builder,
                   java.lang.String name,
                   boolean isBinary,
                   java.util.Map revBySymnames)
Creates a new FileBuilder.

builder - a Builder that provides factory services for author and directory instances and line counts.
name - the filename
isBinary - Is this a binary file or not?
Method Detail


public void addRevisionData(RevisionData data)
Adds a revision to the file. The revisions must be added in the same order as they appear in the CVS logfile, that is, most recent first.

data - the revision


public VersionedFile createFile(java.util.Date beginOfLogDate)
Creates and returns a VersionedFile representation of the file. null is returned if the file does not meet certain criteria, for example if its filename meets an exclude filter or if it was dead during the entire logging timespan.

beginOfLogDate - the date of the begin of the log
a VersionedFile representation of the file.


public boolean hasUnexpectedLocalRevision()


public boolean hasLocalFileNotFound()


public boolean hasLocalCVSMetadata()

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