Uses of Class

Packages that use LogSyntaxException
net.sf.statcvs StatCVS main package containing the command line launcher and some core classes. 
net.sf.statcvs.input This package is responsible for parsing CVS logs and working copy and creating a StatCVS model from them. 

Uses of LogSyntaxException in net.sf.statcvs

Methods in net.sf.statcvs that throw LogSyntaxException
static void Main.generateDefaultHTMLSuite()
          Generates HTML report.

Uses of LogSyntaxException in net.sf.statcvs.input

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.input that throw LogSyntaxException
 void CvsRevisionParser.parse()
          Parses the list of revisions for one file
 void CvsLogfileParser.parse()
          Parses the logfile.
 void CvsFileBlockParser.parse()
          Parses one file from the input reader.

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