Uses of Class

Packages that use SymbolicName
net.sf.statcvs.input This package is responsible for parsing CVS logs and working copy and creating a StatCVS model from them. 
net.sf.statcvs.model Classes providing a representation of all log data in a repository. 

Uses of SymbolicName in net.sf.statcvs.charts

Constructors in net.sf.statcvs.charts with parameters of type SymbolicName
SymbolicNameAnnotation(SymbolicName symbolicName, java.util.Collection all, int style)
          Creates an annotation for a symbolic name.

Uses of SymbolicName in net.sf.statcvs.input

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.input that return SymbolicName
 SymbolicName Builder.getSymbolicName(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the SymbolicName with the given name or creates it if it does not yet exist.

Uses of SymbolicName in net.sf.statcvs.model

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.model that return SymbolicName
 SymbolicName Repository.getHead()
          A special symbolic name that contains the latest revision of every file.

Uses of SymbolicName in net.sf.statcvs.pages

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.pages with parameters of type SymbolicName
static java.lang.String LogPageMaker.getAnchor(SymbolicName tag)

Uses of SymbolicName in net.sf.statcvs.pages.xml

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.pages.xml with parameters of type SymbolicName
static java.lang.String RevisedFilesXml.getAnchor(SymbolicName tag)
static java.lang.String LogXmlMaker.getAnchor(SymbolicName tag)

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