Package net.sf.statcvs.reports

Interface Summary
TableReport A table report generates a Table from some data source.

Class Summary
AbstractLocTableReport Convenience superclass for table reports related to authors and directories.
AbstractRollingLocTableReport Convenience superclass for table reports related to last n months for authors and directories.
AuthorsForDirectoryTableReport Table report which creates a table containing the names of the authors who have committed changes to a certain directory, and their LOC contributions and number of changes in that directory.
AvgFileSizeTimeLineReport Time line for the average file size from a specified file list.
CloudCommitTableReport Table report which A list of word frequencies in commit messages.
DevelopersOfTheMonthTable Table report which creates a table containing the names of all developers, their LOC contributions and number of changes.
DevelopersRollingTableReport Table report which creates a table containing the names of all developers, their LOC contributions and number of changes over the last n months.
DevelopersTableReport Table report which creates a table containing the names of all developers, their LOC contributions and number of changes.
DirectoriesForAuthorTableReport Table report which creates a table containing directories to which a specified author has committed changes, and their respective number of changes and LOC.
DirectoriesTableReport Table report which creates a table containing the names of all directories and the number of changes and LOC in them.
FileCountTimeLineReport Time line for the number of non-dead files from a specified file list.
FilesLocComparator Compares two files according to their lines of code
FilesRevisionCountComparator Compares two files according to their number of changes (revisions).
FilesWithMostRevisionsTableReport Table report for a table containing the files with most changes
LargestFilesTableReport Table report for a table containing the files with most lines of code
LOCSeriesBuilder Builds a BasicTimesSeries for the LOC history of a set of revisions.
TagReport Collects information about repository tags.
TopDevelopersTableReport Table report which creates a table containing the names of the top 10 developers and their LOC contributions.

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