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1   /*
2   	StatCvs - CVS statistics generation 
3   	Copyright (C) 2002  Lukasz Pekacki <>
6   	This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7   	modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8   	License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9   	version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11  	This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  	Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  	You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17  	License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18  	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
20  	$RCSfile:,v $
21  	$Date: 2009/03/18 16:25:47 $
22  */
23  package net.sf.statcvs.input;
25  import;
26  import java.util.ArrayList;
27  import java.util.Date;
28  import java.util.HashMap;
29  import java.util.HashSet;
30  import java.util.Iterator;
31  import java.util.List;
32  import java.util.Locale;
33  import java.util.Map;
34  import java.util.Properties;
35  import java.util.Set;
36  import java.util.SortedSet;
37  import java.util.TreeSet;
38  import java.util.logging.Logger;
39  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
41  import net.sf.statcvs.model.Author;
42  import net.sf.statcvs.model.Directory;
43  import net.sf.statcvs.model.Repository;
44  import net.sf.statcvs.model.SymbolicName;
45  import net.sf.statcvs.model.VersionedFile;
46  import net.sf.statcvs.output.ConfigurationOptions;
47  import net.sf.statcvs.util.FilePatternMatcher;
48  import net.sf.statcvs.util.FileUtils;
49  import net.sf.statcvs.util.StringUtils;
51  /**
52   * <p>Helps building the {@link net.sf.statcvs.model.Repository} from a CVS
53   * log. The <tt>Builder</tt> is fed by some CVS history data source, for
54   * example a CVS log parser. The <tt>Repository</tt> can be retrieved
55   * using the {@link #createCvsContent} method.</p>
56   * 
57   * <p>The class also takes care of the creation of <tt>Author</tt> and 
58   * </tt>Directory</tt> objects and makes sure that there's only one of these
59   * for each author name and path. It also provides LOC count services.</p>
60   * 
61   * @author Richard Cyganiak <>
62   * @version $Id:,v 1.44 2009/03/18 16:25:47 benoitx Exp $
63   */
64  public class Builder implements CvsLogBuilder {
65      private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Builder.class.getName());
67      private final RepositoryFileManager repositoryFileManager;
68      private final FilePatternMatcher includePattern;
69      private final FilePatternMatcher excludePattern;
70      private final Pattern tagsPattern;
72      private final Map authors = new HashMap();
73      private final Map directories = new HashMap();
74      private final Map symbolicNames = new HashMap();
76      private final List fileBuilders = new ArrayList();
77      private final Set atticFileNames = new HashSet();
79      private FileBuilder currentFileBuilder = null;
80      private Date startDate = null;
81      private String projectName = null;
83      private int countRejectedByExclude = 0;
84      private int countAcceptedByExclude = 0;
85      private int countRejectedByInclude = 0;
86      private int countAcceptedByInclude = 0;
87      private boolean flagOutOfSync = false;
88      private boolean flagHasLocalCVSMetadata = false;
89      private int countFoundLocalFiles = 0;
90      private int countNotFoundLocalFiles = 0;
92      /**
93       * Creates a new <tt>Builder</tt>
94       * @param repositoryFileManager the {@link RepositoryFileManager} that
95       * 								can be used to retrieve LOC counts for
96       * 								the files that this builder will create
97       * @param includePattern a list of Ant-style wildcard patterns, seperated
98       *                       by : or ;
99       * @param excludePattern a list of Ant-style wildcard patterns, seperated
100      *                       by : or ;
101      * @param tagsPattern A regular expression; matching symbolic names are recorded
102      */
103     public Builder(final RepositoryFileManager repositoryFileManager, final FilePatternMatcher includePattern, final FilePatternMatcher excludePattern,
104             final Pattern tagsPattern) {
105         this.repositoryFileManager = repositoryFileManager;
106         this.includePattern = includePattern;
107         this.excludePattern = excludePattern;
108         this.tagsPattern = tagsPattern;
109         directories.put("", Directory.createRoot());
110     }
112     /**
113      * Starts building the module.
114      * 
115      * @param moduleName name of the module
116      */
117     public void buildModule(final String moduleName) {
118         this.projectName = moduleName;
119     }
121     /**
122      * Starts building a new file. The files are not expected to be created
123      * in any particular order.
124      * @param filename the file's name with path, for example "path/file.txt"
125      * @param isBinary <tt>true</tt> if it's a binary file
126      * @param isInAttic <tt>true</tt> if the file is dead on the main branch
127      * @param revBySymnames maps revision (string) by symbolic name (string)
128      */
129     public void buildFile(final String filename, final boolean isBinary, final boolean isInAttic, final Map revBySymnames) {
130         if (currentFileBuilder != null) {
131             fileBuilders.add(currentFileBuilder);
132         }
133         currentFileBuilder = new FileBuilder(this, filename, isBinary, revBySymnames);
134         if (isInAttic) {
135             atticFileNames.add(filename);
136         }
137     }
139     /**
140      * Adds a revision to the current file. The revisions must be added in
141      * CVS logfile order, that is starting with the most recent one.
142      * 
143      * @param data the revision
144      */
145     public void buildRevision(final RevisionData data) {
146         currentFileBuilder.addRevisionData(data);
147         if (startDate == null || startDate.compareTo(data.getDate()) > 0) {
148             startDate = data.getDate();
149         }
150     }
152     /**
153      * Returns a Repository object of all files.
154      * 
155      * @return Repository a Repository object
156      */
157     public Repository createCvsContent() {
158         if (currentFileBuilder != null) {
159             fileBuilders.add(currentFileBuilder);
160             currentFileBuilder = null;
161         }
163         final Repository result = new Repository();
164         final Iterator it = fileBuilders.iterator();
165         while (it.hasNext()) {
166             final FileBuilder fileBuilder = (FileBuilder);
167             final VersionedFile file = fileBuilder.createFile(startDate);
168             if (file == null) {
169                 continue;
170             }
171             if (fileBuilder.hasUnexpectedLocalRevision()) {
172                 this.flagOutOfSync = true;
173             }
174             if (fileBuilder.hasLocalCVSMetadata()) {
175                 this.flagHasLocalCVSMetadata = true;
176             }
177             if (fileBuilder.hasLocalFileNotFound()) {
178                 this.countNotFoundLocalFiles++;
179                 this.flagOutOfSync = true;
180             } else if (file.getCurrentLinesOfCode() > 0) {
181                 this.countFoundLocalFiles++;
182             }
183             result.addFile(file);
184             logger.finer("adding " + file.getFilenameWithPath() + " (" + file.getRevisions().size() + " revisions)");
185         }
187         // Uh oh...
188         final SortedSet revisions = result.getRevisions();
189         final List commits = new CommitListBuilder(revisions).createCommitList();
190         result.setCommits(commits);
191         result.setSymbolicNames(getMatchingSymbolicNames());
192         return result;
193     }
195     public String getProjectName() {
196         return projectName;
197     }
199     /**
200      * Returns the <tt>Set</tt> of filenames that are "in the attic".
201      * @return a <tt>Set</tt> of <tt>String</tt>s
202      */
203     public Set getAtticFileNames() {
204         return atticFileNames;
205     }
207     /**
208      * @return <tt>true</tt> if there was an exclude pattern, and it rejected all files
209      */
210     public boolean allRejectedByExcludePattern() {
211         return this.countRejectedByExclude > 0 && this.countAcceptedByExclude == 0;
212     }
214     /**
215      * @return <tt>true</tt> if there was an include pattern, and it rejected all files
216      */
217     public boolean allRejectedByIncludePattern() {
218         return this.countRejectedByInclude > 0 && this.countAcceptedByInclude == 0;
219     }
221     /**
222      * Returns <tt>true</tt> if the local working copy is out of
223      * sync with the log. The current implementation spots if
224      * local files have been deleted and not yet committed, or
225      * if the log file was generated before the latest commit.
226      */
227     public boolean isLogAndLocalFilesOutOfSync() {
228         return this.flagHasLocalCVSMetadata && this.flagOutOfSync;
229     }
231     /**
232      * Returns <tt>true</tt> if no local copy was found for
233      * the majority of files in the log. This is a strong indication
234      * that the log is not for the specified local working copy. 
235      */
236     public boolean isLocalFilesNotFound() {
237         return this.countNotFoundLocalFiles > this.countFoundLocalFiles;
238     }
240     /**
241      * Returns <tt>true</tt> if at least some local files have matching
242      * entries in local CVS metada directories. If this is not the case,
243      * then the local copy is probably just an export, not a checkout,
244      * and we can't check if the log and working copy are in sync.
245      */
246     public boolean hasLocalCVSMetadata() {
247         return this.flagHasLocalCVSMetadata;
248     }
250     /**
251      * returns the <tt>Author</tt> of the given name or creates it
252      * if it does not yet exist. Author names are handled as case-insensitive.
253      * @param name the author's name
254      * @return a corresponding <tt>Author</tt> object
255      */
256     public Author getAuthor(final String name) {
257         String nameForConfig = name.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault());
258         if (this.authors.containsKey(nameForConfig)) {
259             return (Author) this.authors.get(nameForConfig);
260         }
261         final Properties p = ConfigurationOptions.getConfigProperties();
262         Author newAuthor = new Author(name);
263         if (p != null) {
264             String replacementUser = p.getProperty("user." + nameForConfig + ".replacedBy");
266             if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(replacementUser)) {
267                 replacementUser = replacementUser.toLowerCase();
268                 if (this.authors.containsKey(replacementUser)) {
269                     return (Author) this.authors.get(replacementUser);
270                 }
271                 nameForConfig = replacementUser;
272                 newAuthor = new Author(nameForConfig);
273             }
275             newAuthor.setRealName(p.getProperty("user." + nameForConfig + ".realName"));
276             newAuthor.setHomePageUrl(p.getProperty("user." + nameForConfig + ".url"));
277             newAuthor.setImageUrl(p.getProperty("user." + nameForConfig + ".image"));
278             newAuthor.setEmail(p.getProperty("user." + nameForConfig + ".email"));
279             newAuthor.setTwitterUserName(p.getProperty("user." + nameForConfig + ".twitterUsername"));
280             newAuthor.setTwitterUserId(p.getProperty("user." + nameForConfig + ".twitterUserId"));
281             String val = p.getProperty("user." + nameForConfig + ".twitterIncludeFlash");
282             if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(val)) {
283                 newAuthor.setTwitterIncludeFlash(Boolean.valueOf(val).booleanValue());
284             }
285             val = p.getProperty("user." + nameForConfig + ".twitterIncludeHtml");
286             if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(val)) {
287                 newAuthor.setTwitterIncludeHtml(Boolean.valueOf(val).booleanValue());
288             }
289         }
290         this.authors.put(nameForConfig, newAuthor);
291         return newAuthor;
292     }
294     /**
295      * Returns the <tt>Directory</tt> of the given filename or creates it
296      * if it does not yet exist.
297      * @param filename the name and path of a file, for example "src/"
298      * @return a corresponding <tt>Directory</tt> object
299      */
300     public Directory getDirectory(final String filename) {
301         final int lastSlash = filename.lastIndexOf('/');
302         if (lastSlash == -1) {
303             return getDirectoryForPath("");
304         }
305         return getDirectoryForPath(filename.substring(0, lastSlash + 1));
306     }
308     /**
309      * Returns the {@link SymbolicName} with the given name or creates it
310      * if it does not yet exist.
311      * 
312      * @param name the symbolic name's name
313      * @return the corresponding symbolic name object
314      */
315     public SymbolicName getSymbolicName(final String name) {
316         SymbolicName sym = (SymbolicName) symbolicNames.get(name);
318         if (sym != null) {
319             return sym;
320         } else {
321             sym = new SymbolicName(name);
322             symbolicNames.put(name, sym);
324             return sym;
325         }
326     }
328     public int getLOC(final String filename) throws NoLineCountException {
329         if (repositoryFileManager == null) {
330             throw new NoLineCountException("no RepositoryFileManager");
331         }
332         return repositoryFileManager.getLinesOfCode(filename);
333     }
335     /**
336      * @see RepositoryFileManager#getRevision(String)
337      */
338     public String getRevision(final String filename) throws IOException {
339         if (repositoryFileManager == null) {
340             throw new IOException("no RepositoryFileManager");
341         }
342         return repositoryFileManager.getRevision(filename);
343     }
345     /**
346      * Matches a filename against the include and exclude patterns. If no
347      * include pattern was specified, all files will be included. If no
348      * exclude pattern was specified, no files will be excluded.
349      * @param filename a filename
350      * @return <tt>true</tt> if the filename matches one of the include
351      *         patterns and does not match any of the exclude patterns.
352      *         If it matches an include and an exclude pattern, <tt>false</tt>
353      *         will be returned.
354      */
355     public boolean matchesPatterns(final String filename) {
356         if (excludePattern != null) {
357             if (excludePattern.matches(filename)) {
358                 this.countRejectedByExclude++;
359                 return false;
360             } else {
361                 this.countAcceptedByExclude++;
362             }
363         }
364         if (includePattern != null) {
365             if (includePattern.matches(filename)) {
366                 this.countAcceptedByInclude++;
367             } else {
368                 this.countRejectedByInclude++;
369                 return false;
370             }
371         }
372         return true;
373     }
375     /**
376      * @param path for example "src/net/sf/statcvs/"
377      * @return the <tt>Directory</tt> corresponding to <tt>statcvs</tt>
378      */
379     private Directory getDirectoryForPath(final String path) {
380         if (directories.containsKey(path)) {
381             return (Directory) directories.get(path);
382         }
383         final Directory parent = getDirectoryForPath(FileUtils.getParentDirectoryPath(path));
384         final Directory newDirectory = parent.createSubdirectory(FileUtils.getDirectoryName(path));
385         directories.put(path, newDirectory);
386         return newDirectory;
387     }
389     private SortedSet getMatchingSymbolicNames() {
390         final TreeSet result = new TreeSet();
391         if (this.tagsPattern == null) {
392             return result;
393         }
394         for (final Iterator it = this.symbolicNames.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
395             final SymbolicName sn = (SymbolicName);
396             if (sn.getDate() != null && this.tagsPattern.matcher(sn.getName()).matches()) {
397                 result.add(sn);
398             }
399         }
400         return result;
401     }
402 }