View Javadoc

1   /*
2       StatCvs - CVS statistics generation 
3       Copyright (C) 2002  Lukasz Pekacki <>
6       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7       modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8       License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9       version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14      Lesser General Public License for more details.
16      You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17      License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18      Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
20  	$RCSfile:,v $
21  	$Date: 2009/03/13 23:04:28 $ 
22  */
23  package net.sf.statcvs.output;
25  import java.awt.Color;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import;
29  import;
30  import;
31  import;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import java.util.ArrayList;
36  import java.util.Collection;
37  import java.util.Properties;
38  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
39  import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
41  import net.sf.statcvs.pages.MarkupSyntax;
42  import net.sf.statcvs.util.FilePatternMatcher;
43  import net.sf.statcvs.util.FileUtils;
44  import net.sf.statcvs.weblinks.bugs.BugTracker;
45  import net.sf.statcvs.weblinks.bugs.Bugzilla;
46  import net.sf.statcvs.weblinks.bugs.Mantis;
48  import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.BarRenderer;
49  import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.StandardBarPainter;
50  import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.StandardXYBarPainter;
51  import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYBarRenderer;
53  /**
54   * Class for storing all command line parameters. The parameters
55   * are set by the {@link net.sf.statcvs.Main#main} method. Interested classes
56   * can read all parameter values from here.
57   * 
58   * TODO: Should be moved to more appropriate package and made non-public
59   * 
60   * @author jentzsch
61   * @version $Id:,v 1.37 2009/03/13 23:04:28 benoitx Exp $
62   */
63  public class ConfigurationOptions {
65      private static final String LOGGING_CONFIG_DEFAULT = "";
66      private static final String LOGGING_CONFIG_VERBOSE = "";
67      private static final String LOGGING_CONFIG_DEBUG = "";
69      private static String logFileName = null;
70      private static String checkedOutDirectory = null;
71      private static String projectName = null;
72      private static String outputDir = "";
73      private static String loggingProperties = LOGGING_CONFIG_DEFAULT;
74      private static String notesFile = null;
75      private static String notes = null;
77      private static FilePatternMatcher includePattern = null;
78      private static FilePatternMatcher excludePattern = null;
80      private static Collection nonDeveloperLogins = new ArrayList();
82      private static CssHandler cssHandler = new DefaultCssHandler("objectlab-statcvs.css");
83      private static String charSet = "ISO-8859-1";
84      private static WebRepositoryIntegration webRepository = null;
85      private static Pattern symbolicNamesPattern;
87      private static BugTracker webBugTracker = BugTracker.NO_BUG_TRACKER;
88      private static String outputFormat = "html";
89      private static Properties properties = new Properties();
91      static {
92          XYBarRenderer.setDefaultBarPainter(new StandardXYBarPainter());
93          BarRenderer.setDefaultBarPainter(new StandardBarPainter());
94      }
96      public static String getCharSet() {
97          return charSet;
98      }
100     public static void setCharSet(final String cs) {
101         charSet = cs;
102     }
104     /**
105      * returns the {@link CssHandler}
106      * @return the CssHandler
107      */
108     public static CssHandler getCssHandler() {
109         return cssHandler;
110     }
112     /**
113      * Method getProjectName.
114      * @return String name of the project
115      */
116     public static String getProjectName() {
117         return projectName;
118     }
120     /**
121      * Method getCheckedOutDirectory.
122      * @return String name of the checked out directory
123      */
124     public static String getCheckedOutDirectory() {
125         return checkedOutDirectory;
126     }
128     /**
129      * Method getLogfilename.
130      * @return String name of the logfile to be parsed
131      */
132     public static String getLogFileName() {
133         return logFileName;
134     }
136     /**
137      * Returns the outputDir.
138      * @return String output Directory
139      */
140     public static String getOutputDir() {
141         return outputDir;
142     }
144     /**
145      * Returns the report notes (from "-notes filename" switch) or <tt>null</tt>
146      * if not specified
147      * @return the report notes
148      */
149     public static String getNotes() {
150         return notes;
151     }
153     /**
154      * Returns a {@link WebRepositoryIntegration} object if the user
155      * has specified a URL to one. <tt>null</tt> otherwise.
156      * @return the web repository
157      */
158     public static WebRepositoryIntegration getWebRepository() {
159         return webRepository;
160     }
162     /**
163      * Sets the checkedOutDirectory.
164      * @param checkedOutDirectory The checkedOutDirectory to set
165      * @throws ConfigurationException if directory does not exist
166      */
167     public static void setCheckedOutDirectory(final String checkedOutDirectory) throws ConfigurationException {
168         final File directory = new File(checkedOutDirectory);
169         if (!directory.exists() || !directory.isDirectory()) {
170             throw new ConfigurationException("directory does not exist: " + checkedOutDirectory);
171         }
172         ConfigurationOptions.checkedOutDirectory = checkedOutDirectory;
173     }
175     /**
176      * Sets the cssFile. Currently, the css file can be any local file or
177      * a HTTP URL. If it is a local file, a copy will be included in the
178      * output directory. If this method is never called, a default CSS file
179      * will be generated in the output directory.
180      *
181      * @param cssFile The cssFile to set
182      * @throws ConfigurationException if the specified CSS file can not be
183      * accessed from local file system or from URL source, or if the specified
184      * CSS file is local and does not exist
185      */
186     public static void setCssFile(final String cssFile) throws ConfigurationException {
187         try {
188             final URL url = new URL(cssFile);
189             if (!url.getProtocol().equals("http")) {
190                 throw new ConfigurationException("Only HTTP URLs or local files allowed for -css");
191             }
192             cssHandler = new UrlCssHandler(url);
193         } catch (final MalformedURLException isLocalFile) {
194             cssHandler = new LocalFileCssHandler(cssFile);
195         }
196         cssHandler.checkForMissingResources();
197     }
199     /**
200      * Sets the logFileName.
201      * @param logFileName The logFileName to set
202      * @throws ConfigurationException if the file does not exist
203      */
204     public static void setLogFileName(final String logFileName) throws ConfigurationException {
205         final File inputFile = new File(logFileName);
206         if (!inputFile.exists()) {
207             throw new ConfigurationException("Specified logfile not found: " + logFileName);
208         }
209         ConfigurationOptions.logFileName = logFileName;
210     }
212     /**
213      * Sets the outputDir.
214      * @param outputDir The outputDir to set
215      * @throws ConfigurationException if the output directory cannot be created
216      */
217     public static void setOutputDir(String outputDir) throws ConfigurationException {
218         if (!outputDir.endsWith(FileUtils.getDirSeparator())) {
219             outputDir += FileUtils.getDefaultDirSeparator();
220         }
221         final File outDir = new File(outputDir);
222         if (!outDir.exists() && !outDir.mkdirs()) {
223             throw new ConfigurationException("Can't create output directory: " + outputDir);
224         }
225         ConfigurationOptions.outputDir = outputDir;
226     }
228     /**
229      * Sets the name of the notes file. The notes file will be included
230      * on the index page of the output. It must contain a valid
231      * block-level HTML fragment (for example
232      * <tt>"&lt;p&gt;Some notes&lt;/p&gt;"</tt>) 
233      * @param notesFile a local filename
234      * @throws ConfigurationException if the file is not found or can't be read
235      */
236     public static void setNotesFile(final String notesFile) throws ConfigurationException {
237         final File f = new File(notesFile);
238         if (!f.exists()) {
239             throw new ConfigurationException("Notes file not found: " + notesFile);
240         }
241         if (!f.canRead()) {
242             throw new ConfigurationException("Can't read notes file: " + notesFile);
243         }
244         ConfigurationOptions.notesFile = notesFile;
245         try {
246             notes = readNotesFile();
247         } catch (final IOException e) {
248             throw new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
249         }
250     }
252     /**
253      * Sets the URL to a <a href="">ViewCVS</a>
254      * web-based CVS browser. This must be the URL at which the checked-out
255      * module's root can be viewed in ViewCVS.
256      * @param url URL to a ViewCVS repository
257      */
258     public static void setViewCvsURL(final String url) {
259         ConfigurationOptions.webRepository = new ViewCvsIntegration(url);
260     }
262     /**
263      * Sets the URL to a 
264      * <a href="">cvsweb</a>
265      * web-based CVS browser. This must be the URL at which the checked-out
266      * module's root can be viewed in cvsweb.
267      * @param url URL to a cvsweb repository
268      */
269     public static void setCvswebURL(final String url) {
270         ConfigurationOptions.webRepository = new CvswebIntegration(url);
271     }
273     /**
274      * Sets the URL to a <a href="">Chora</a>
275      * web-based CVS browser. This must be the URL at which the checked-out
276      * module's root can be viewed in Chora.
277      * @param url URL to a cvsweb repository
278      */
279     public static void setChoraURL(final String url) {
280         ConfigurationOptions.webRepository = new ChoraIntegration(url);
281     }
283     /**
284      * Sets the URL to a <a href="">JCVSWeb</a>
285      * web-based CVS browser. This must be the URL at which the checked-out
286      * module's root can be viewed in JCVSWeb.
287      * @param url URL to a JCVSWeb repository
288      */
289     public static void setJCVSWebURL(final String url) {
290         ConfigurationOptions.webRepository = new JCVSWebIntegration(url);
291     }
293     /**
294      * Sets the URL to a <a href="">ViewVC</a> web-based CVS/SVN browser. 
295      * This must be the URL at which the checked-out module's
296      * root can be viewed in ViewVC.
297      * 
298      * @param url
299      *            URL to a ViewVC repository
300      */
301     public static void setViewVcURL(final String url) {
302         ConfigurationOptions.webRepository = new ViewVcIntegration(url);
303     }
305     /**
306      * Sets the URL to a <a href="">Trac</a> web-based SVN browser and issue tracking. 
307      * This must be the URL at which the checked-out module's
308      * root can be viewed in Trac 
309      * 
310      * @param url
311      *            URL to a Trac website
312      */
313     public static void setViewTracURL(final String url) {
314         ConfigurationOptions.webRepository = new TracIntegration(url);
315     }
317     /**
318      * Sets a project title to be used in the reports
319      * @param projectName The project title to be used in the reports
320      */
321     public static void setProjectName(final String projectName) {
322         ConfigurationOptions.projectName = projectName;
323     }
325     /**
326      * Gets the name of the logging properties file
327      * @return the name of the logging properties file
328      */
329     public static String getLoggingProperties() {
330         return loggingProperties;
331     }
333     /**
334      * Sets the logging level to verbose
335      */
336     public static void setVerboseLogging() {
337         ConfigurationOptions.loggingProperties = LOGGING_CONFIG_VERBOSE;
338     }
340     /**
341      * Sets the logging level to debug
342      */
343     public static void setDebugLogging() {
344         ConfigurationOptions.loggingProperties = LOGGING_CONFIG_DEBUG;
345     }
347     private static String readNotesFile() throws IOException {
348         BufferedReader r = null;
349         final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
350         try {
351             r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(notesFile));
352             String line = r.readLine();
353             while (line != null) {
354                 result.append(line);
355                 line = r.readLine();
356             }
357         } finally {
358             if (r != null) {
359                 r.close();
360             }
361         }
362         return result.toString();
363     }
365     /**
366      * Sets a file include pattern list. Only files matching one of the
367      * patterns will be included in the analysis.
368      * @param patternList a list of Ant-style wildcard patterns, seperated
369      *                    by : or ;
370      * @see net.sf.statcvs.util.FilePatternMatcher
371      */
372     public static void setIncludePattern(final String patternList) {
373         includePattern = new FilePatternMatcher(patternList);
374     }
376     /**
377      * Sets a file exclude pattern list. Files matching any of the
378      * patterns will be excluded from the analysis.
379      * @param patternList a list of Ant-style wildcard patterns, seperated
380      *                    by : or ;
381      * @see net.sf.statcvs.util.FilePatternMatcher
382      */
383     public static void setExcludePattern(final String patternList) {
384         excludePattern = new FilePatternMatcher(patternList);
385     }
387     /**
388      * @return Returns the excludePattern.
389      */
390     public static FilePatternMatcher getExcludePattern() {
391         return excludePattern;
392     }
394     /**
395      * @return Returns the includePattern.
396      */
397     public static FilePatternMatcher getIncludePattern() {
398         return includePattern;
399     }
401     public static void setSymbolicNamesPattern(final String symbolicNamesPattern) throws ConfigurationException {
402         try {
403             ConfigurationOptions.symbolicNamesPattern = Pattern.compile(symbolicNamesPattern);
404         } catch (final PatternSyntaxException e) {
405             throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid regular expression for tags: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
406         }
407     }
409     public static Pattern getSymbolicNamesPattern() {
410         return symbolicNamesPattern;
411     }
413     public static void setBugzillaUrl(final String bugzillaUrl) {
414         ConfigurationOptions.webBugTracker = new Bugzilla(bugzillaUrl);
415     }
417     public static void setMantisUrl(final String mantisUrl) {
418         ConfigurationOptions.webBugTracker = new Mantis(mantisUrl);
419     }
421     public static BugTracker getWebBugtracker() {
422         return ConfigurationOptions.webBugTracker;
423     }
425     public static void setOutputFormat(final String outputFormat) throws ConfigurationException {
426         if (!"html".equals(outputFormat) && !"xdoc".equals(outputFormat) && !"xml".equals(outputFormat)) {
427             throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid output format, use only 'html', 'xdoc' or 'xml'");
428         }
429         ConfigurationOptions.outputFormat = outputFormat;
430     }
432     public static String getOutputFormat() {
433         return outputFormat;
434     }
436     public static MarkupSyntax getMarkupSyntax() {
437         if ("xdoc".equals(outputFormat)) {
438             return ReportConfig.XDOC;
439         } else if ("xml".equals(outputFormat)) {
440             return ReportConfig.XML;
441         }
442         return ReportConfig.HTML;
443     }
445     public static void setWebRepositoryIntegration(final WebRepositoryIntegration webRepo) {
446         webRepository = webRepo;
447     }
449     /**
450     * Allow change between css that are shipped with the tool.
451     * @param cssName statcvs.css or objectlab-statcvs-xdoc.css
452     */
453     public static void setDefaultCssFile(final String cssName) {
454         cssHandler = new DefaultCssHandler(cssName);
455     }
457     /**
458      * Excludes a login name from charts and reports that compare
459      * several developers. Useful to reduce the noise from admin
460      * accounts.
461      * @param loginName A login name
462      */
463     public static void addNonDeveloperLogin(final String loginName) {
464         nonDeveloperLogins.add(loginName);
465     }
467     /**
468      * Gets login names that should be excluded from charts and
469      * reports that compare several developers.
470      */
471     public static Collection getNonDeveloperLogins() {
472         return nonDeveloperLogins;
473     }
475     /**
476      * Set the config file that may contain user details.
477      * @param propertiesFilename
478      */
479     public static void setConfigFile(final String propertiesFilename) throws ConfigurationException {
480         if (propertiesFilename != null) {
481             InputStream is = null;
482             try {
483                 is = new FileInputStream(propertiesFilename);
484                 properties.load(is);
485             } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
486                 throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find the configuration file " + propertiesFilename);
487             } catch (final IOException e) {
488                 throw new ConfigurationException("Problem reading the configuration file " + propertiesFilename);
489             } finally {
490                 if (is != null) {
491                     try {
492                         is.close();
493                     } catch (final IOException e) {
494                         throw new ConfigurationException("Problem closing stream to the configuration file " + propertiesFilename);
495                     }
496                 }
497             }
498         }
499     }
501     /**
502      * The config properties.
503      * @return
504      */
505     public static Properties getConfigProperties() {
506         return properties;
507     }
509     /**
510      * Return a String prop.
511      * @param propName
512      * @param defaultValue
513      * @return
514      */
515     public static String getConfigStringProperty(final String propName, final String defaultValue) {
516         if (properties != null) {
517             return properties.getProperty(propName, defaultValue);
518         }
519         return defaultValue;
520     }
522     public static String getConfigStringProperty(final String propName, final String fallBackPropName, final String defaultValue) {
523         if (properties != null) {
524             final String val = properties.getProperty(propName);
525             if (val != null) {
526                 return val;
527             } else {
528                 return properties.getProperty(fallBackPropName, defaultValue);
529             }
530         }
531         return defaultValue;
532     }
534     /**
535      * Return a Integer prop.
536      * @param propName
537      * @param defaultValue
538      * @return
539      */
540     public static Integer getConfigIntegerProperty(final String propName, final Integer defaultValue) {
541         if (properties != null) {
542             final String val = properties.getProperty(propName);
543             if (val != null) {
544                 try {
545                     return Integer.valueOf(val);
546                 } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
547                     return defaultValue;
548                 }
549             }
550         }
551         return defaultValue;
552     }
554     /**
555      * Return a Float prop.
556      * @param propName
557      * @param defaultValue
558      * @return
559      */
560     public static Float getConfigIntegerProperty(final String propName, final Float defaultValue) {
561         if (properties != null) {
562             final String val = properties.getProperty(propName);
563             if (val != null) {
564                 try {
565                     return Float.valueOf(val);
566                 } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
567                     return defaultValue;
568                 }
569             }
570         }
571         return defaultValue;
572     }
574     /**
575      * Return a String prop.
576      * @param propName
577      * @param defaultValue
578      * @return
579      */
580     public static Color getConfigColorProperty(final String propName, final Color defaultValue) {
581         if (properties != null) {
582             String val = properties.getProperty(propName);
583             if (val != null) {
584                 if (val.startsWith("#")) {
585                     val = val.substring(1);
586                 }
587                 val = val.toLowerCase();
588                 if (val.length() > 6) {
589                     return defaultValue;
590                 }
591                 return new Color(Integer.parseInt(val, 16));
592             }
593         }
594         return defaultValue;
595     }
597     /**
598      * Return a Integer prop.
599      * @param propName
600      * @param defaultValue
601      * @return
602      */
603     public static Integer getConfigIntegerProperty(final String propName, final String fallBackPropName, final Integer defaultValue) {
604         if (properties != null) {
605             final String val = properties.getProperty(propName);
606             if (val != null) {
607                 try {
608                     return Integer.valueOf(val);
609                 } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
610                     return defaultValue;
611                 }
612             } else {
613                 return getConfigIntegerProperty(fallBackPropName, defaultValue);
614             }
615         }
616         return defaultValue;
617     }
619     /**
620      * Return a Float prop.
621      * @param propName
622      * @param defaultValue
623      * @return
624      */
625     public static Float getConfigFloatProperty(final String propName, final String fallBackPropName, final Float defaultValue) {
626         if (properties != null) {
627             final String val = properties.getProperty(propName);
628             if (val != null) {
629                 try {
630                     return Float.valueOf(val);
631                 } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
632                     return defaultValue;
633                 }
634             } else {
635                 return getConfigIntegerProperty(fallBackPropName, defaultValue);
636             }
637         }
638         return defaultValue;
639     }
641     /**
642      * Return a Boolean prop.
643      * @param propName
644      * @param defaultValue
645      * @return
646      */
647     public static Boolean getConfigBooleanProperty(final String propName, final String fallBackPropName, final Boolean defaultValue) {
648         if (properties != null) {
649             String val = properties.getProperty(propName);
650             if (val != null) {
651                 try {
652                     return Boolean.valueOf(val);
653                 } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
654                     return defaultValue;
655                 }
656             } else {
657                 val = properties.getProperty(fallBackPropName);
658                 if (val != null) {
659                     return Boolean.valueOf(val);
660                 }
661             }
662         }
663         return defaultValue;
664     }
666     /**
667      * Return a Color prop.
668      * @param propName
669      * @param defaultValue
670      * @return
671      */
672     public static Color getConfigColorProperty(final String propName, final String fallBackPropName, final Color defaultValue) {
673         if (properties != null) {
674             String val = properties.getProperty(propName);
675             if (val != null) {
676                 if (val.startsWith("#")) {
677                     val = val.substring(1);
678                 }
679                 val = val.toLowerCase();
680                 if (val.length() > 6) {
681                     return defaultValue;
682                 }
683                 return new Color(Integer.parseInt(val, 16));
684             } else {
685                 return getConfigColorProperty(fallBackPropName, defaultValue);
686             }
687         }
688         return defaultValue;
689     }
690 }