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1   package net.sf.statcvs.reports;
3   import java.util.Iterator;
4   import java.util.List;
5   import java.util.TreeMap;
6   import java.util.regex.Matcher;
7   import java.util.regex.Pattern;
9   import net.sf.statcvs.Messages;
10  import net.sf.statcvs.model.Commit;
11  import net.sf.statcvs.model.Repository;
12  import net.sf.statcvs.output.ConfigurationOptions;
13  import net.sf.statcvs.output.ReportConfig;
14  import net.sf.statcvs.reportmodel.IntegerColumn;
15  import net.sf.statcvs.reportmodel.SimpleTextColumn;
16  import net.sf.statcvs.reportmodel.Table;
17  import net.sf.statcvs.util.IntegerMap;
19  /**
20   * Table report which A list of word frequencies in commit messages.
21   * 
22   * @author Benoit Xhenseval
23   * @version $Id:,v 1.3 2009/04/25 10:22:21 benoitx Exp $
24   */
25  public class CloudCommitTableReport implements TableReport {
26      private static final String ENGLISH_EXCLUSIONS = "\\d+|an|the|me|my|we|you|he|she|it|are|is|am|will|shall|should|would|had|have|has|was|were|be|been|this|that|there|"
27              + "|who|when|how|where|which|already|after|by|on|or|so|some|commit|also|got|get|do|don't|from|all|but|yet|to|in|does|doesn't"
28              + "out|of|for|if|yes|no|not|may|might|can|could|at|as|with|without|some|more|lot|lots";
29      private Table table = null;
30      private final ReportConfig config;
31      private final Repository content;
32      private final IntegerMap cloudMap = new IntegerMap();
33      private Pattern excluded;
35      /**
36       * Creates a table report containing the top 10 authors and their
37       * LOC contributions
38       * @param content the version control source data
39       */
40      public CloudCommitTableReport(final ReportConfig config) {
41          content = config.getRepository();
42          this.config = config;
43      }
45      /**
46       * @see net.sf.statcvs.reports.TableReport#calculate()
47       */
48      public void calculate() {
49          if (this.table != null) {
50              return;
51          }
52          if (excluded == null) {
53              excluded = Pattern.compile(ConfigurationOptions.getConfigStringProperty("cloud.exclusionRegExp", ENGLISH_EXCLUSIONS), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
54          }
55          final String summary = Messages.getString("CLOUD_TABLE_TITLE");
56          table = new Table(summary);
57          final SimpleTextColumn wordColumn = new SimpleTextColumn(Messages.getString("CLOUD_WORD_COL"));
58          final IntegerColumn frequencyColumn = new IntegerColumn(Messages.getString("CLOUD_COUNT_COL"));
59          frequencyColumn.setShowPercentages(true);
60          table.addColumn(wordColumn);
61          table.addColumn(frequencyColumn);
62          table.setKeysInFirstColumn(true);
64          calculate(content.getCommits());
65          int lines = 0;
66          final Integer minFrequency = ConfigurationOptions.getConfigIntegerProperty("cloud.minFrequency", new Integer(5));
67          final Integer maxNumbers = ConfigurationOptions.getConfigIntegerProperty("cloud.maxWordNumberInTable", new Integer(50));
68          final Iterator it = cloudMap.iteratorSortedByValueReverse();
69          double maxFreq = -1;
70          while (it.hasNext()) {
71              final String word = (String);
72              final int frequency = cloudMap.get(word);
74              if (maxFreq < 0) {
75                  maxFreq = Math.log(frequency);
76              }
78              if (frequency < minFrequency.intValue()) {
79                  break;
80              }
82              //            long fontSize = Math.round(Math.min(-2 + Math.log(frequency) * 10 / maxFreq, 8));
83              //            System.out.println("FONT SIZE " + fontSize + " Word " + word + " Freq " + frequency + " MaxFreq " + maxFreq);
84              wordColumn.addValue(word);
85              frequencyColumn.addValue(frequency);
86              lines++;
87              if (lines >= maxNumbers.intValue()) {
88                  break;
89              }
90          }
91          //        linesOfCode.setSum(getLinesMap().sum());
92      }
94      private void calculate(final List commits) {
95          final Iterator it = commits.iterator();
96          final Integer minSize = ConfigurationOptions.getConfigIntegerProperty("cloud.minLengthForWord", new Integer(4));
97          while (it.hasNext()) {
98              final Commit commit = (Commit);
99              if (commit.getAuthor() == null || !this.config.isDeveloper(commit.getAuthor())) {
100                 continue;
101             }
103             final String comment = commit.getComment();
105             if (comment != null && comment.length() > minSize.intValue()) {
106                 final String[] split = comment.split("\\W+");
107                 for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
108                     final String word = split[i];
109                     if (word != null && word.length() >= minSize.intValue()) {
110                         //                        System.out.println(commit.getFile().getFilename() + " ==> Word " + word + " Comment " + comment);
111                         tryToAdd(word.toLowerCase());
112                     }
113                 }
114             }
115         }
117     }
119     private void tryToAdd(final String word) {
120         final Matcher m = excluded.matcher(word);
121         if (m.matches()) {
122             return;
123         }
124         mergeIfRequired(word, "ed", 1);
125         mergeIfRequired(word, "ing", 3);
126         mergeIfRequired(word, "es", 1);
127         mergeIfRequired(word, "s", 1);
129         //        cloudMap.addInt(word.toLowerCase(), 1);
131     }
133     private void mergeIfRequired(final String word, final String suffix, final int toRemove) {
134         //        if (cloudMap.contains(word)) {
135         cloudMap.addInt(word, 1);
136         //        }
137         if (word.endsWith(suffix)) {
138             final String chopped = word.substring(0, word.length() - toRemove);
139             if (cloudMap.contains(chopped)) {
140                 cloudMap.addInt(chopped, cloudMap.get(word));
141                 cloudMap.remove(word);
142             }
143         }
144     }
146     /**
147      * @see net.sf.statcvs.reports.TableReport#getTable()
148      */
149     public Table getTable() {
150         return table;
151     }
153     public String getRawContent() {
154         final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
155         buffer.append("<p>");
157         int lines = 0;
158         final Iterator it = cloudMap.iteratorSortedByValueReverse();
159         final Integer minFrequency = ConfigurationOptions.getConfigIntegerProperty("cloud.minFrequency", new Integer(5));
160         final Integer maxNumbers = ConfigurationOptions.getConfigIntegerProperty("cloud.maxWordNumberInCloud", new Integer(100));
161         double maxFreq = -1;
162         final TreeMap tm = new TreeMap();
163         while (it.hasNext()) {
164             final String word = (String);
165             final int frequency = cloudMap.get(word);
167             if (maxFreq < 0) {
168                 maxFreq = Math.log(frequency);
169             }
171             if (frequency < minFrequency.intValue()) {
172                 break;
173             }
175             final long fontSize = Math.round(Math.min(-2 + Math.log(frequency) * 10 / maxFreq, 8));
176             //            System.out.println("FONT SIZE " + fontSize + " Word " + word + " Freq " + frequency + " MaxFreq " + maxFreq);
177             //            wordColumn.addValue(word);
178             //            frequencyColumn.addValue(frequency);
179             final StringBuffer buffer1 = new StringBuffer();
180             buffer1.append("<font size=\"").append(fontSize).append("\">").append(word).append("</font> ");
181             tm.put(word, buffer1.toString());
183             lines++;
184             if (lines >= maxNumbers.intValue()) {
185                 break;
186             }
187         }
189         final Iterator it2 = tm.values().iterator();
190         while (it2.hasNext()) {
191             buffer.append(;
192         }
194         buffer.append("</p>");
195         return buffer.toString();
196     }
197 }