Interface CssHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultCssHandler, LocalFileCssHandler, UrlCssHandler

public interface CssHandler

Manager for the handling of CSS files. There are different ways for speciying CSS files (local file, default file from the distribution JAR, HTTP URL). A CssHandler must be implemented for each of these ways. TODO: Should be refactored into something that produces a ReportFile, which has methods getURL() and write() and can be added to report pages.

Richard Cyganiak

Method Summary
 void checkForMissingResources()
          Checks if all necessary resources are available.
 void createOutputFiles()
          Creates any necessary output files.
 java.lang.String getLink()
          returns a link to the CSS file, which can be used as the HREF in HTML's <LINK REL="stylesheet"> HREF="filename.css";.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getLink()
returns a link to the CSS file, which can be used as the HREF in HTML's <LINK REL="stylesheet"> HREF="filename.css";.

a link to the CSS file


void checkForMissingResources()
                              throws ConfigurationException
Checks if all necessary resources are available. This can be used, for example, to check if a local CSS file really exists or if a HTTP URL is valid.

ConfigurationException - if some resource is missing.


void createOutputFiles()
Creates any necessary output files.

Throws: - if an output file can't be created

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