Package net.sf.statcvs.output

Interface Summary
CssHandler Manager for the handling of CSS files.
WebRepositoryIntegration Interface for integration of web repository browsers.

Class Summary
ChoraIntegration Integration of the Chora CVS Viewer
ChurnPageMaker A LOC and Churn Chart shows both the LOC and the number of lines touched per day, this allows you to see the evolution of lines of code and the amount of changes.
CommandLineParser Takes a command line, like given to the Main.main(java.lang.String[]) method, and turns it into a ConfigurationOptions object.
ConfigurationOptions Class for storing all command line parameters.
CvswebIntegration Integration of cvsweb
DefaultCssHandler CSS handler for a CSS file included in the distribution JAR file.
JCVSWebIntegration Creates links to a JCVSWeb repository browser.
LocalFileCssHandler CSS handler for a local CSS file which will be copied to the output dir.
LOCChurnChartMaker Class for producing Lines Of Code with Churn charts
RepoMapPageMaker New report that Repo Map, a jtreemap-based report (applet) that shows the entire source tree in a hierarchical manner, the size of each box is related to LOC and the colour to the changes over the last 30 days (red -loc, green +loc).
ReportConfig A configuration object that controls several aspects of report creation, such as the output directory and chart sizes.
UrlCssHandler CSS handler for a CSS file specified by a HTTP URL.
ViewCvsIntegration Integration of ViewCVS
ViewVcIntegration Integration of ViewVC

Exception Summary
ConfigurationException Thrown on missing/illegal configuration arguments.

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