Uses of Interface

Packages that use WebRepositoryIntegration

Uses of WebRepositoryIntegration in net.sf.statcvs.output

Classes in net.sf.statcvs.output that implement WebRepositoryIntegration
 class ChoraIntegration
          Integration of the Chora CVS Viewer
 class CvswebIntegration
          Integration of cvsweb
 class JCVSWebIntegration
          Creates links to a JCVSWeb repository browser.
 class TracIntegration
 class ViewCvsIntegration
          Integration of ViewCVS
 class ViewVcIntegration
          Integration of ViewVC

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.output that return WebRepositoryIntegration
 WebRepositoryIntegration ReportConfig.getWebRepository()
static WebRepositoryIntegration ConfigurationOptions.getWebRepository()
          Returns a WebRepositoryIntegration object if the user has specified a URL to one.

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.output with parameters of type WebRepositoryIntegration
 void ReportConfig.setWebRepository(WebRepositoryIntegration webRepository)
static void ConfigurationOptions.setWebRepositoryIntegration(WebRepositoryIntegration webRepo)

Uses of WebRepositoryIntegration in net.sf.statcvs.renderer

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.renderer with parameters of type WebRepositoryIntegration
 void XMLRenderer.renderFileCell(VersionedFile file, boolean withIcon, WebRepositoryIntegration webRepository)
          Render a cell containing a file to XML
 void TableCellRenderer.renderFileCell(VersionedFile file, boolean withIcon, WebRepositoryIntegration webRepository)
          Render a cell containing a file
 void HTMLTableCellRenderer.renderFileCell(VersionedFile file, boolean withIcon, WebRepositoryIntegration webRepository)
          Render a cell containing a file to HTML

Uses of WebRepositoryIntegration in net.sf.statcvs.reportmodel

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.reportmodel with parameters of type WebRepositoryIntegration
 void FileColumn.setWebRepository(WebRepositoryIntegration webRepository)
          Setting a WebRepository turns filenames into links to that file.

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