Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractLocTableReport

Uses of AbstractLocTableReport in net.sf.statcvs.reports

Subclasses of AbstractLocTableReport in net.sf.statcvs.reports
 class AuthorsForDirectoryTableReport
          Table report which creates a table containing the names of the authors who have committed changes to a certain directory, and their LOC contributions and number of changes in that directory.
 class DevelopersTableReport
          Table report which creates a table containing the names of all developers, their LOC contributions and number of changes.
 class DirectoriesForAuthorTableReport
          Table report which creates a table containing directories to which a specified author has committed changes, and their respective number of changes and LOC.
 class TopDevelopersTableReport
          Table report which creates a table containing the names of the top 10 developers and their LOC contributions.

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