Uses of Interface

Packages that use TableReport

Uses of TableReport in net.sf.statcvs.pages

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.pages with parameters of type TableReport
 void Page.add(TableReport table)

Uses of TableReport in net.sf.statcvs.reports

Classes in net.sf.statcvs.reports that implement TableReport
 class AuthorsForDirectoryTableReport
          Table report which creates a table containing the names of the authors who have committed changes to a certain directory, and their LOC contributions and number of changes in that directory.
 class CloudCommitTableReport
          Table report which A list of word frequencies in commit messages.
 class DevelopersOfTheMonthTable
          Table report which creates a table containing the names of all developers, their LOC contributions and number of changes.
 class DevelopersRollingTableReport
          Table report which creates a table containing the names of all developers, their LOC contributions and number of changes over the last n months.
 class DevelopersTableReport
          Table report which creates a table containing the names of all developers, their LOC contributions and number of changes.
 class DirectoriesForAuthorTableReport
          Table report which creates a table containing directories to which a specified author has committed changes, and their respective number of changes and LOC.
 class DirectoriesTableReport
          Table report which creates a table containing the names of all directories and the number of changes and LOC in them.
 class FilesWithMostRevisionsTableReport
          Table report for a table containing the files with most changes
 class FileTypeReport
 class LargestFilesTableReport
          Table report for a table containing the files with most lines of code
 class TagReport
          Collects information about repository tags.
 class TopDevelopersTableReport
          Table report which creates a table containing the names of the top 10 developers and their LOC contributions.

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