Uses of Class

Packages that use VersionedFile
net.sf.statcvs.input This package is responsible for parsing CVS logs and working copy and creating a StatCVS model from them. 
net.sf.statcvs.model Classes providing a representation of all log data in a repository. 

Uses of VersionedFile in net.sf.statcvs.input

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.input that return VersionedFile
 VersionedFile FileBuilder.createFile(java.util.Date beginOfLogDate)
          Creates and returns a VersionedFile representation of the file.

Uses of VersionedFile in net.sf.statcvs.model

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.model that return VersionedFile
 VersionedFile Revision.getFile()
          Returns the file which was changed by this revision.

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.model with parameters of type VersionedFile
 void Repository.addFile(VersionedFile file)
          Adds one file to the repository.

Constructors in net.sf.statcvs.model with parameters of type VersionedFile
Revision(VersionedFile file, java.lang.String revisionNumber, int type, Author author, java.util.Date date, java.lang.String comment, int lines, int linesDelta, int linesReplaced, java.util.SortedSet symbolicNames)
          Creates a new revision of a file with the specified revision number.

Uses of VersionedFile in net.sf.statcvs.output

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.output with parameters of type VersionedFile
 java.lang.String WebRepositoryIntegration.getFileHistoryUrl(VersionedFile file)
          Returns a URL to a file in the web repository browser.
 java.lang.String ViewCvsIntegration.getFileHistoryUrl(VersionedFile file)
 java.lang.String TracIntegration.getFileHistoryUrl(VersionedFile file)
 java.lang.String JCVSWebIntegration.getFileHistoryUrl(VersionedFile file)
 java.lang.String CvswebIntegration.getFileHistoryUrl(VersionedFile file)
 java.lang.String ChoraIntegration.getFileHistoryUrl(VersionedFile file)
protected  java.lang.String ViewVcIntegration.getFileUrl(VersionedFile file, java.lang.String parameter)
protected  java.lang.String ViewCvsIntegration.getFileUrl(VersionedFile file, java.lang.String parameter)
 java.lang.String WebRepositoryIntegration.getFileViewUrl(VersionedFile file)
          Returns a URL to a file in the web repository browser.
 java.lang.String ViewCvsIntegration.getFileViewUrl(VersionedFile file)
 java.lang.String TracIntegration.getFileViewUrl(VersionedFile file)
 java.lang.String JCVSWebIntegration.getFileViewUrl(VersionedFile file)
 java.lang.String CvswebIntegration.getFileViewUrl(VersionedFile file)
 java.lang.String ChoraIntegration.getFileViewUrl(VersionedFile file)
protected  boolean ViewCvsIntegration.isInAttic(VersionedFile file)

Uses of VersionedFile in net.sf.statcvs.renderer

Methods in net.sf.statcvs.renderer with parameters of type VersionedFile
 void XMLRenderer.renderFileCell(VersionedFile file, boolean withIcon, WebRepositoryIntegration webRepository)
          Render a cell containing a file to XML
 void TableCellRenderer.renderFileCell(VersionedFile file, boolean withIcon, WebRepositoryIntegration webRepository)
          Render a cell containing a file
 void HTMLTableCellRenderer.renderFileCell(VersionedFile file, boolean withIcon, WebRepositoryIntegration webRepository)
          Render a cell containing a file to HTML

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